Superheroes and Halloween – Hurray!

October 14, 2013

Superhero in Disguise by Kitty Bucholtz, in the Adventures of Lewis and Clarke seriesIt's out! My short story “Superhero in Disguise” is available for you to download and read NOW! I'd planned to have the big release tomorrow, but you can get it today and I couldn't wait to tell you! LOL!

“Superhero in Disguise” is the updated short story that was originally published as “Hero in Disguise”‘ in the Romancing the Pages anthology last year. But between then and now, I finished book one in the Adventures of Lewis and Clarke series, Unexpected Superhero, and suddenly little things that were bothering me when I first wrote the short story began to make sense.

I've just finished a rewrite with a wonderful new editor, Sarah Dawson, and I think the short story rocks now! And because I wanted to give you a way to try out my superhero stories without a big investment of time or money, the short story is only about 25 pages or so – and it's free! So now you have something fun to read for Halloween!

The story is available on Smashwords now, and you can download any format you need – mobi for Kindle, EPUB for Nook or Sony or Kobo, PDF to read on your computer, and more. It will also become available over the next week on Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Sony, etc. It's on Amazon for 99 cents, but I hope they price match soon so everyone can get it for free. I love free books and short stories, and I figured you'd love another one, too!

Happy Reading! 😀


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