Book Marks: Rare Earth by Davis Bunn

November 5, 2013

12970296I read the first book in this trilogy, Lion of Babylon (A Marc Royce Thriller Book #1)
(free today on Kindle!)
, at the urging of some friends. I wrote about it a few months ago, fairly shocked that I loved it. So I had to read the second book, Rare Earth. (Tomorrow I'll give you my review of the third book, Strait of Hormuz, which comes out today!)

One of the things I love most about Davis Bunn's thrillers is that I feel smart when I'm reading them. LOL! Truly! When I finally figured out what the problem was in this book that the hero was also trying to figure out, I was very excited that I was smart enough to think of it before the author actually wrote it on the page. I've read a few articles and headlines about things happening in the world, and that helps me to get into the story world.

But what keeps me turning the pages, reading when I should be doing something else, is the main character Marc Royce. He's the kind of guy you'd want to be around when the bullets start flying, but he's also a strong man who understands people and spiritual things. It's not that he likes everyone or gets along with everyone, but he's not trying to pick a fight and he's a man of honor. And he's also a man of action. All of those traits combined into one person make for a very interesting read.

Then add in the additional characters – they are all unique and individual, none of them seem the same. They speak and act for reasons you later understand, and the conflict between characters is believable to the point where you need to know what's going to happen to them!

Like with Lion of Babylon, I had no idea someone could write a spy book set all over the world with a Christian as the main character and a believable spiritual element woven into it, and make it so interesting and well-written that I'd want to read it. But I devoured this book as well! I couldn't wait to find out what happened next.

I hope I've told you enough to make you want to give this series a try. I tried not to tell you anything that happens in case I say something that spoils a surprise for you. You might be smarter than me and “get it” quicker, but it's too much fun to have someone accidentally ruin it. 🙂

5 stars, Loved It


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