My Public Display of Dieting – Week 41

October 21, 2016

RESULTS: Lost 0 pounds for a total loss of 28 pounds

Hand pushing the restart buttonYes, this blog is really late! It's almost time for the week 42 update. But at least it gave me a couple extra days to lose that extra vacation weight! Haha!

So as of Wednesday of this week, I was back down to 170, having lost the 3-5 pounds I'd gained. Whew! Now I have to get back on the exercise wagon and hit the Restart button. I'll tell you on Sunday, in my Chubby Girls Run column, what's going on and how things are about to change. 🙂

Meanwhile, one thing I've really noticed lately is that things I used to think tasted great, or things that sound like they should taste great, don't really taste that great. I ate an Entenmann's apple cider donut this morning with apple cider. (It's fall! Of course I have to have apple cider and donuts!) But let me just say that it tasted more like a donut-shaped sugar bar with a touch of apple-cinnamon flavor. Big disappointment. 🙁 I guess the upside is that I won't be eating any more of them.

Also, the more protein I eat, the less I have sugar cravings. So now that most of our junk food is gone, I'm getting back to eating more protein and not wanting the junk food. Again – whew! There was a point a few days ago when I was afraid I'd rewired my body chemistry back to the out-of-control way of overeating I'd gotten caught up in the last few years. Yikes!

Oh, one more thing that might be just a way for me to keep track rather than terribly interesting to you. I've started having headaches again, a lot of them. I don't know if it's the new apartment, the new town, an extra dose of stress, the extra sugar and junk food, the two weeks without taking probiotics because they were on order, or – probably – a combination of several of these things. But as of today, back on probiotics, cutting way back on sugar and junk food, and let's see how that affects the headaches.

See you again in a few days! 🙂


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