My Public Display of Dieting – April 2017

April 3, 2017

Kitty and Frosty about to go for a trail ride
Kitty and Frosty about to go for a trail ride

RESULTS: Gained 2 pounds for a total loss of 26 pounds

Well…um…yeahhhh….hahaha! 😀

All I can say is – my birthday was last month! And for ten days,  John treated me to so many awesome things from horseback riding to meals at little cafes to big Whittaker's dark chocolate bars. And I loved every single thing! Haha!!

In fact, that's why I didn't post anything last month – I didn't want to weigh myself. 😀  But the Monday after my birthday I put away all the sweets and cut back on my snacks and took advantage of a free week at the gym. I just finished my last day there today, and I'm going to be able to do a lot of that stuff here at home.

So now I have 11 months before my 50th birthday – 11 months to lose another 25 pounds, gain many pounds of muscle, and train better so I can run my fastest half marathon ever before my next birthday. Woohoo!!

I will say one thing – I was eating pretty healthy, a lot more veggies, for a few weeks before my birthday, and then I got busy/lazy and didn't cook myself anything because I was racing to meet deadlines. I could REALLY tell the difference in how I felt! Now John is home and cooking for both of us and I already feel better having eaten two vegetables today. 😉

Between more vegetables and tougher and more frequent exercise, I'm looking forward to feeling better than ever. And it won't hurt my self-esteem at all to see myself looking better than ever before, too!

Have you hit the Restart button lately on nutrition and exercise? How's it going?


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