Running on Fridays

July 29, 2011

Me last year at the end of the City2Surf at Bondi Beach

I've been pretty interested in running and how it relates to the rest of my life since I took my first baby step four years ago. I started with the Couch to 5k program, barely able to run a city block without busting a gasket.

But in two weeks and two days, John and I will run yet another race – the 14km (8.7 miles) City2Surf fun run. Yes, I know there is a certain amount of irony in saying “14km” and “fun run” in the same sentence, but you should check out the web site. Last year there was a gorilla, a troop of Star Wars storm troopers, Superman and many, many more characters running in the race. Plus there are bands and other music and entertainment along the route. Trust me, it's really fun!

I'm absolutely unprepared physically for this race, mostly because of the last 18 months of graduate school. But there's something in my blood now, and I'm getting excited about the race even though I may do worse than last year.

There are so many thoughts that go through my head when I'm running that help me figure out the rest of my life that I decided to use Fridays here to talk about running and what it means to me. I'll probably bring in other runners to guest blog, too.

If you haven't read it yet, you may find my guest blog at Writers in the Storm last Friday to be a fun read. I hope it adds a little bit of inspiration to your day, especially if you're thinking of trying something – anything – new.  🙂


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