RESULTS: Lost 2 pounds for a total loss of 23 pounds
I did it! I finally hit the button and registered for the 2018 Carlsbad Half Marathon! Woohoo!!
Now I really have to focus on getting back onto the wagon. I picked out a training program I found online that I'm pretty sure I can do. (Someone reminded me that whatever I can or can't do is all in my head. 😉 So true!) The race is 12 1/2 weeks away, so I start the training on Monday.
I bought more protein shakes (they help me feel “even” inside and keep me from jonesing for sugar) and more vegetables. I also bought some new Jolly Rancher Green Apple flavored Pop-Tarts! LOL!! So mostly I'll be eating wisely. 😀
Between the exercising and stretching and eating better (and less!), I have great hopes to still meet my goal to be my fittest by my 50th birthday, including losing 50 pounds. Only another 27 to go from my start date In January 2016. And if all goes well, I'll lose at least 12 more pounds before the race. (That will certainly make the running easier!)
I'm nervous. No one likes to fail, and it gets harder to try again every time you do try and fail. It's easier to just give it up entirely.
But I really love the feeling I have when I'm running strong. 😀 To get that back, I'm going to have to work hard. Maybe harder, if it's true that getting in shape gets more difficult every year. But when I think of how great I'll feel…it seems worth it to push forward into a potentially difficult time.
I'll let you know how it goes. I look forward to sharing lots of good news with hopefully only minor setbacks. 😀 And I look forward to hearing your encouragement along the way! Thanks in advance!