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My Public Display of Dieting – Week 24

June 20, 2016

RESULTS: Lost 1 pound for a total loss of 24 pounds

Right before the start of the 2013 Carlsbad Half Marathon
Right before the start of the 2013 Carlsbad Half Marathon

It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that this is working! I'm doing it! It's week 24 and I've lost 24 pounds!!! If all goes well, next week I'll be halfway to my goal!

Before the end of the summer, I'll be at my lowest weight in two decades! Amazing!

I may have mentioned that I've had a goal for a couple years of being at my most healthy by the time I'm 50. I want to be at a healthy weight; I want to be my strongest; I want to be able to run faster than I ever have in my life. In just under two years from now.

To that end, I've added circuit training to my exercise routine. In just 18 minutes a day, two days a week, I've already gotten in good enough shape that when I did a test run last Thursday, it went really well!

2013 - Just moments after I crossed the finish line! John is doing the Olympic bite.
2013 – Just moments after I crossed the finish line! John is doing the Olympic bite.

And now that I've signed up to run the 2017 Carlsbad Half Marathon in January, I'm stepping things up! My doctor put together a running and exercise schedule for me Friday, and I started it today. (I love having a doctor who's an athlete – she's really excited for me!)

Wow! I can't believe how well I did on Day One!! But it's going to be a sore and exhausting journey! Haha! 😀

So here we go! If you've got your own health goal, keep going! We can do this!


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