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Netflix Picks: Damages

January 18, 2013

DamagesWandering through Netflix, searching for something to watch while we eat dinner and relax, we saw Damages. I didn't know much about it, but it stars Glenn Close so how could it be bad?

The first season sizzled with law office intrigue and surprising twists, and we hung on every episode. The second season was also good, but it seemed like a lot of the same things were happening, only now there was a different main client for the firm. We're almost done with season three (four seasons are on Netflix right now), and it's taking forever for us to finish watching.

It seems like the second and third verse are same as the first, to misquote the ditty. Lots of people who are supposed to be “the good guys” based on their jobs are involved in lots of terrible things. And they keep getting involved in more terrible things every season, but in the same old way.

I don't know if we'll finish watching Damages or not. We're getting kind of tired of the same old thing, and I'm definitely tired of watching the good guys behave badly.

4 stars for the first season (Really Liked It, per the Netflix ratings system)
3 stars for the following seasons (Liked It)


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