Where Have I Been and Where Are We Going?

January 12, 2018

Write Now Workshop Podcast logoI can't believe it's been two months since I posted here! Life has been so crazy busy! I've been training to run the Carlsbad Half Marathon THIS SUNDAY, I'm getting ready to teach my annual time management class for writers, and about the time I stopped blogging here I'd decided to work on my goal of launching my new podcast before the end of the year!

Wow! LOL! 😀

Now that I have another place to post interesting tidbits about writing, I want to focus more on my fiction here. I'll announce next week a new little (huge!) challenge I'm going to take part in, and the results of my first-ever reader's survey! (Click here to take it if you haven't already. Keep in mind, members of my mailing list can win free books for doing stuff like this, so sign up on the right or in the pop-up box to join us!)

I'll also update you on My Public Display of Dieting. I've been pretty stable, with some ups and downs around the holidays, so nothing particularly interesting to share. But since the half marathon – my 5th! – is on Sunday, next week will be a good time to catch you up as I race toward my goals. Haha!

That's it for now. Have to go record a podcast for Sunday – because I'll be running Sunday! Woohoo!!


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