I Get to or I Have to Write: An Interview with Shawn Smucker
Author Shawn Smucker returns to the show to talk about his brand new book, The Weight of Memory. I'm a big fan of his magical realism books, and this one didn't disappoint.
Shawn and I talk about memory, how we think it works and what studies are showing about it. This conversation — of course! — led into how we create fictional stories, what makes a protagonist make their decisions, how that affects what happens next, and how all these come together to affect the reader's experience of the story.
Learn more about Shawn and his books at his website, http://shawnsmucker.com/, and he's on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as Shawn Smucker. Find his podcast and courses at The Stories Between Us, https://www.thestoriesbetweenus.com/.