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Beauty Makes the Heart Feel Rested

September 10, 2012

There's something about being outside in woods and trees and mountains that makes me happy. Really happy for no additional reason. John and I had an opportunity to take a driving vacation to Utah for cheap so we went. I, for one, desperately needed a break from the last several months.

Here are some of the pictures I took on my iPhone. They don't do the beauty of the area justice, but I hope you enjoy them. They're only for the first half of the week because in the second half we spent all our time with our friends Kathleen and Fred and I didn't want to stop having fun to upload the pictures here. 🙂

Our first view of Utah - wow!
John pretends to fall asleep driving
I couldn't believe how pretty the drive was
Park Silly Markets on Main Street last Sunday
John's happy because we found Centennial Park again - just not in Sydney
A few minutes later, we found The Centennial house for sale - Happy Kitty
So happy to be out walking in the forest, even if it's a maintenance road. Didn't mean to, but we ended up walking almost to the top of the mountain behind me.
Beautiful wildflower along the path - part of the reason I love to go hiking
Farther up the mountain, John still has plenty of energy. Deer Valley Resort in the background became our final destination, about 2 hours up and an hour and half back down to our hotel. Legs hurt for days! LOL!
Made it to the top without passing out or quitting - the view was totally worth it!
Park City, a former silver mining town - whatever this is, it says EXPLOSIVES above the door. Pretty cool looking.
John was so excited to find an original Banksy street art piece!

We really enjoyed visiting Park City. The two Banksy pieces that John found might be his favorite part of the visit. Walking around woods and forest was probably my favorite part. But a very close second to me was being able to see and hang out with my writer friend Kathleen. (Her new book The Great Cat Caper just came out!) I don't know if we've ever just had fun together without being on a writing trip. That being said, we of course had to do a little writing and brainstorming together – for fun! LOL!


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