Routine of Rest – Guilty or Not Guilty?

August 3, 2011

On Wednesdays, I'll cross-post my blog from Routines for Writers here…

I feel a little guilty even writing this post. We talk about how much rest we need to function most efficiently, but is it a habit we practice? Yes, I take a mid-day break to eat lunch while watching a recorded episode of my favorite TV show. But did I actually rest, or just change activities?

This question came to mind full-strength yesterday when I was on my way home from dropping my mom at the airport and realized that all I wanted to do was go home and lie down on the couch. But I didn't really rest. I caught up on some taped TV, ate lunch, caught up on the last two weeks' of newspapers, and then remembered I needed to write a post about writing routines.

I did all of these things from the couch. But I wouldn't say I truly rested.

Am I guilty of not managing my time well? Yes. Could I be more efficient? Yes. Do I watch too much TV? Guilty, again. But do I routinely really and truly rest? I'm afraid the verdict would be not guilty. And I think I should find a way to change that.

What do you think? When was the last time you felt well rested for even an hour or two?



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