Looking Forward to My Trip

May 31, 2011

I can't believe it's almost that time, but next week I am DONE with school! And I leave for my trip back to the U.S. the morning after my last class. Sheesh! Talk about cutting it close.

I'm so excited to see all my friends and lots of family. But I'm also enormously excited about the reason I'm going – the big writer's conference in New York! Of course, the reason I'm going to be gone three weeks instead of one is that I'm blessed to be able to attend two other writers events as well. (Thank you, God!)

The day after I arrive in LA, I get to go see all my friends at the Orange County Chapter of Romance Writers of America. Yay! Should be a good meeting with a great speaker, as well as a great time to see friends I've been in touch with only via email for the last two years.

Then the next weekend is a four-day writer's retreat at my friend Lauraine's house. We get together every year, usually about a dozen total out of a group of 30 or so, depending on who's available. This year I asked if there was any chance we could change the time to coincide with my trip – and everyone agreed! I feel so loved.  <grin>  I absolutely can't wait to get there!

Then after seeing family for a few days, and having a bit of a party with my old Bible study group, I fly to New York! I've never been there and I'm sooo excited! As a special birthday gift to both of us, our husbands arranged it so my sister Bonnie can join me for the first weekend there. Double Yay!! Then the big Romance Writers of America National Conference in the Marriott at Times Square. That is so cool! My brain is going to be about ready to explode by the time this trip is over. LOL! But I think I can handle it.

I'll keep you updated with everything I learn and all that happens!


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