My Soul Pants For You, My God

April 12, 2015

Last week we had unusually cool temperatures in Southern California – highs in the 60s and 70s – so I had to take the morning last Friday to enjoy it. I knew it wouldn't last (I was right, the forecast is for the 80s next week), and I wanted to enjoy one more green hike while I still could. Besides, exercise is supposed to help your creativity. 😉

I found a park a mile back from John's work and thought it might have some nice trails. Sure enough, the Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve was beautiful! (Sorry for the misspelling, that “n” is supposed to be an enya, but I don't know how to make it show up.) About 4000 acres of flat trails and hilly trails and a creek and a waterfall (that was shorter than me!) and lots of birds and lizards and a snake and even a deer!

The deer reminded me of the verse from Psalm 42:1 – “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.” S/he was very calm, occasionally watching me with her huge ears pointed my direction. (Hence, the name “mule deer.”) She didn't give any more notice when several very loud military jets flew overhead. Of course, she'd be used to them her whole life living so close to San Diego.

It was a beautiful morning, three hours of walking through green and yellow and mauve fields, along the very green creek, ducking out of the way of dozens of mountain bikers, out to the very small but nice waterfall and back. I took a bunch of pictures, and thought I'd share them with you. I added a red circle around the deer so you can find her in that picture. 🙂 Enjoy!

Deer on hike in Los Penasquitos
Mule Deer Watching Me Hike


Enjoy the green while you can - summer is about here!
Enjoy the green while you can – summer is about here!
Very Small Waterfall
Very Small Waterfall
A peaceful patch of the stream
A peaceful patch of the stream
Hard to believe an industrial park is just out of sight
Hard to believe the I-15 freeway and an industrial park are just out of sight


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