My Public Display of Dieting – Week 37

September 18, 2016

RESULTS: Lost 1 pound (of 3 gained) for a total loss of 29 pounds

Found a church close enough to walk to!
Found a church close enough to walk to! Only 2 miles!

In a perfect world, that would say, TOTAL LOSS OF 37 POUNDS above. But it's not a perfect world and I am far from a perfect person. 🙂 My stress eating has lessened, but now my mind and body has gotten back into some bad habits, so I'm trying to get myself to want to eat healthier.

(Let me just say that the sweet potato tortilla chips from Trader Joe's dipped into the Lay's Ranch Dip are awesome!!)

So in last week's entry, I wrote that I probably gained a couple pounds. After finding my scale, I'm guessing I probably gained 3 pounds, or else there's a difference between the other scale I was using and ours. In any case, since I found our digital scale, I lost one of the gained pounds, so that's good.

But I've got to find a way to get back to eating healthier. I've gone over calories 5-7 days out of 7 the last few weeks. I'm 8 pounds, and therefore, as many as 8 or more weeks behind. But…I told myself yesterday that I wouldn't quit until I got to 50 pounds, even if it turns out to be in  55 or 60 or more weeks.


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