096I – Diversity and Disabled Characters: An Interview with Kathryn R Biel

Today's guest is Kathryn R Biel, author of chick lit, romantic comedies, women's fiction, and more – and probably no relation to actor Jessica Biel, although she's asked that a lot. Due to a horrendous Internet connection that was constantly going out the day before, when we recorded the interview a second time we were so relieved to not have to repeat every sentence that we forgot to look at the clock!

In this rather long – but fun! – interview, we talk about resilient women, IKEA, defeating evil, the Spice Girls, writing, the Avengers, and diversity, moving from subject to subject with ease. 😀 Oh, and we also talk about her brand new book, Paradise by the Dashboard Light.

We really got caught up in our topic when we started talking about disabled/differently-abled people and how underrepresented they are in fiction. Kathryn is a school physical therapist by day and interacts constantly with people with mental and/or physical challenges, so she finds herself including similar types of characters in her books.

We hope you enjoy our interesting and fun conversation that takes us all over the writing map. 😀 You can find Kathryn on her website, Facebook, and on Twitter and Instagram as @KRBiel. Also, check out the Facebook group she and some friends put together to share upbeat books with happy endings, Smart Reads, Happily Ever Afters.


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