EEK! I am sooo not ready! After eighteen months of grad school, a month of traveling, then a month of having my mom here, I've barely been able to keep up with our 4.25 mile run a few times a week. How am I going to make 14 km (about 8.7 miles), including 2 km uphill??
I'm going to make it because I've decided to. I've decided to have fun, even if it means I walk part of the way. Even if it rains and it's cold and miserable, I'm determined to enjoy the race. It's a fun run, after all. And why run – or do much of anything you don't have to – if you can't find a way to make it fun?
This is one of the many life applications that running has taught me. I can choose whether I move forward or stop. I can choose to feel positive and confident or negative and scared. Even if I walk part of the race, I'm moving forward. And even if it's raining or I strain a muscle, I can choose to enjoy the experience for what it's worth.
I seriously doubt there is any hope of me making my time from last year. And that wasn't a good time to begin with. But I've got nine days to keep trying to get in better shape. Then I'm going to wake up at 4:30 Sunday morning and join the biggest foot race in the world!
How can I not have fun?