RESULTS: Unknown – probably gained a couple pounds
Just when I think life may stop throwing punches, I get a roundhouse kick in the gut. And what happens? After too many hits, I begin to revert to my former stress-eating behaviors. 🙁
I've done a ton of overeating this past week. Additionally, I can't find my bathroom scale in all the boxes I've unpacked. I still have about three-quarters of the boxes left to unpack, so I'm sure I'll find it at some point. But I have no idea how much I weigh.
Which may be just as well. Until I find the scale, I can regroup and refocus on eating less and eating healthier. I absolutely hate that I'm getting so behind in my work, especially in the classes I'm teaching, but all of this physical labor in unpacking and setting up our apartment is at least helping me burn a few more calories.
We went to a wedding Sunday, so I'd decided on Friday I would hit the Restart button today, Monday. It was another tough day, and I ate a lot of things I shouldn't have. So imagine my surprise when I found that I'd only gone 50 calories over my limit! It actually encouraged me to work hard again tomorrow. Thank you, God. I needed some encouragement.
I've been having a lot of how am I going to get through this? days. I've overeaten, and I've eaten sweets and chips and stuff I shouldn't while I'm trying to lose weight. But at least I haven't given up. I'm behind. I may not reach my 50-pound weight loss goal in 50 weeks, but I'm going to keep going and keep trying.
If you're struggling, hit the Restart button with me. We can keep going, one tiny step at a time, together.