My Public Display of Dieting – Week 43-46

November 4, 2016

RESULTS: Lost 0 pounds for a total loss of 26 pounds

New Zealand Flag wooden sign on beach backgroundIf you haven't been seeing my Facebook Live videos on Facebook, you may not know but – WE'RE MOVING TO NEW ZEALAND!!!!

John got a 4-month contract with his dream company, Weta Digital, in Wellington, and we're leaving in 2 weeks!!!


Due to a number of things – stress, extreme busyness, celebrating, goodbye lunches – I haven't been able to lose any more weight lately. But at least I'm hovering in the same general two pounds. I'll update this blog post again when we get over there, and I'll probably hit the restart button a bit and give myself a new date to shoot for – because no way will I lose 24 pounds by Christmas!! LOL!!!

I'll write more when I can! Love and hugs to you! 😀


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