059I – Stretches and Exercises for Writers: An Interview with Bonnie DePue

Last week's guest is back for an encore presentation to give us some stretches and exercises we can do to feel better and have better brain function while we sit and type!

Bonnie DePue is an Occupational Therapist, therapeutic riding instructor, and owner and founder of CHUM Therapeutic Riding in Dansville, Michigan, in the United States. As a therapist, Bonnie uses the horse's movement and environment as a treatment strategy for children and adults with disabilities; as an instructor, she uses the therapeutic nature of horseback riding to help individuals make physical, emotional, cognitive, and psycho/social changes in their lives while learning to ride. She also runs an integrated 4H club, does research and presentations, and enjoys riding and competing herself.

In this episode, Bonnie starts by reminding us all that these are ideas for you. You need to use your common sense and listen to your own medical professionals to decide what's best for you. That being said, any time you're doing any activity for a prolonged period of time, you need to schedule in stretch breaks.

You may be thinking – I don't have time, or I don't like to exercise, or I'm not in good enough shape to do big exercises. But Bonnie gives us ideas on how to do small, easy things that will help us with our physical – and therefore, cognitive – health.

In addition to everything she mentions in this episode, and in last week's episode, we've also created a handout for you. Download this free checklist of things to remember to be at your healthiest and keep your brain working long and strong.


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