Laugh Out Loud Stories: An Interview with Bethany Turner


Our guest today is Bethany Turner, author of the hilarious new Hadley Beckett's Next Dish. If you like romantic comedies, or if you love celebrity chefs and their cooking shows, you'll love this book!

Bethany and I talk a lot and laugh a lot, but there's a lot of little things to pick up and consider for your own writing. For instance, you may be wondering when to use popular culture and current events in your stories, and how to know whether it will make the book dated. Bethany gives us her take on that since pop culture references are a trademark of her writing.

She tells us the unusual story of how she got started writing and how she published her first book, and we talk about writing amidst chaos. Since we're fiction writers, we also lied to each other about not gaining any weight during the current lockdown or when researching cooking shows. 😀

I hope you enjoy the crazy amounts of laughter in this episode! Like her books, it's a feel-good show. You can learn more about Bethany and her books at her website,


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