How I Became a Romance Writer

March 23, 2013

Yesterday, I guest blogged on my friend Louisa Bacio's site*. I wrote a piece called How Hotel Sex Turned Me Into a Romantic Comedy Writer. It was so fun to write! If you're not offended by a little risque talk (my stories are pretty “sweet” so my idea of risque is still pretty tame), I think you'll like my piece. 🙂

With so many friends commenting on that blog, and since I wrote a little about my honeymoon in the post, I though you might enjoy these pictures. John and I got married in 1990, so we don't have any digital pictures. (I should have some made, shouldn't I, just in case something happens to the originals.)

But my sister Bonnie found my mom's wedding dress – my wedding dress, too! – when she was cleaning out Mom's house. This is just a snapshot in the living room, I didn't try to make it look awesome. I was just so surprised when I opened the box that I told John, “Oh, oh! Take my picture! It's my wedding dress!” LOL!

The bodice is soooo lovely!
The bodice is soooo lovely!
There are little bits of the softest lace ever - some on the hips, some down the sides.
There are little bits of the softest lace ever – some on the hips, some down the sides.
Mom's wedding doll.
Mom's wedding doll.

I think my parents got married in 1956 or so. As I understand it, Mom's parents bought the lovely dress and gave her the doll. (You don't realize how many stories you should've written down until it's too late to ask anymore.) Then my dad's sister also wore the dress.

It was packed away, as so many wedding dresses are, with the hopes that a daughter would one day wear it. But those girls in the 1950s were way more careful with their figures! LOL! My two sisters picked out their own wedding dresses, and Aunt Nancy didn't have any children.

When John and I got engaged, I asked to try on Mom's dress. I think all three of us girls had tried it on for fun when we were around 12, but would it fit me as an adult? Well…let me just say that I've never dieted so much in my life! LOL! We took it to a seamstress who let out every conceivable seam she could. (Mom had it taken in a few times before she got married because, she said, she was so nervous she couldn't eat.)

With the help of a strong corset, I made it! LOL! The only problem I had was that I ripped one of the sleeves in the receiving line. All of that hugging. 🙂

I'm so excited to have my dress back! (Mom was storing it for me.) I told John when I was twirling around, “I wonder if I can lose enough weight before our 25th anniversary so I can wear it just for a few minutes at our party.” He just groaned and shook his head.

But two years and six weeks from now I expect to be having a BIG party! And just maybe I'll be able to wear the dress for a few minutes. If you'll excuse me, I'm off to the gym.

*If you go to Louisa's blog, be aware that her books are of a much hotter variety than mine. If that might bother you, either don't visit, or just stay on the page where my guest blog is. That's the page I linked to. 🙂


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