Book Marks: I Got You Babe

June 19, 2013

51fEoVjkRwL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-70,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_I found I Got You, Babe by Jane Graves in the Book Bub email offering it at a discount for a limited time. I read the Kindle free sample and was hooked by the end. I bought it.

I really liked it for the first several chapters. It's billed as a sexy romantic comedy, and I would say that's pretty accurate. A woman is on the run, accused of a crime she didn't commit, and she runs into an off-duty cop. Trouble ensues.

But as I kept reading, it seemed like things started to get repetitive. The heroine worried about the same thing over and over. Not without reason, but it was still the same thing over and over. Then about two-thirds or three-quarters through, I started to feel like the hero's arguments were becoming the same old thing repeated.

The story was good, interesting, intriguing. But I would've enjoyed it more with a tighter storyline, cutting out the parts where the same thoughts and feelings appear. Other than that, it makes for a good beach read. Fun and light enough to relax with it in the sun.

3 stars, Liked It


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