Netflix Picks: Skyfall – See It Now!!

November 15, 2013

MV5BMjM1MzMzOTA3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTE3NzA1OA@@._V1_SX214_Hey there, my friends! Guess what's on Netflix right now? The newest James Bond flick, Skyfall! I don't know if it's only a weekend special or what. The newest update to the Netflix app downloaded onto John's Xbox yesterday and when we turned it on last night, there was a huge advertisement for Skyfall.

I don't need to tell you anything for you to know if you want to see it or not. It was a huge movie and you probably know all about it. This is one of my favorite James Bond films (Daniel Craig is my favorite 007), and John thinks he likes it the best. I love everything about it except the villain. He's just weird. But it's still an awesome film!

Just in case it's only a special for a short while, you might want to settle down and see it this weekend. (Looks like it's also a free Amazon Instant Video showing right now if you have Amazon Prime.) Give yourself some time as it's nearly 2 1/2 hours long. We watched it while eating dinner with two glasses of wine. Mmm, lovely relaxing evening. 😉


5 stars, Loved It


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