With help from my friend, Lauralyn, I finally got the MailChimp newsletter figured out. Whew! First one that actually LOOKS like a newsletter goes out today. Yay!
Now that I can stay in touch with you more regularly (about once a month), I wanted to find fun things to do together. So how would you like to be one of the characters in my book? 🙂
If you sign up (or have already signed up) for my newsletter, I'll have a contest in the next issue for one lucky winner to be randomly chosen to appear in Superhero in the Making, book 2 in the Adventures of Lewis and Clarke series. I'll rename one of the secondary characters with your first name and put your full name in the acknowledgements. Cool!
Feel free to tell your friends, re-Tweet this post, or share my link to this post that is on my Facebook page! The more, the merrier!