Time and Project Management Class Starts Monday

January 8, 2014

j0227558Hello my friends! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's. I sure did. I'd planned since last Christmas to take two full weeks off and relax. Right up to the last minute, I was sure I wouldn't “be able to” do it. But in the end, I did!

My workload piled up during the two weeks off, but I feel so much more relaxed and rested and ready for work! How did I manage to take so much vacation time when life has been battering me for the last couple of years? The primary reason is because last January I laid out a written plan for my year.

Granted, a LOT of things went wrong with the plan. I couldn't have anticipated six months of unemployment for John. I made more money than I did in 2012, but it wasn't enough to offset the costs of a few book-selling risks I took that didn't pay off. Near the end of the year, I had to put my writing business on the back burner and work full-time at a temp job.

Calendar 2013But for the whole year, I could look at my writing plan and my calendar and I could figure out how each of my plans would be affected by the new turn life took. I could move the sticky notes on the calendar to change deadlines. I could cancel things that just couldn't be accomplished now that the course of life had changed.

And I could do it all with more peace than usual because I had a written, changeable plan.

If you'd like to work with me over the next four weeks to get a plan in place for you this year, please sign up for my online class Going the Distance: Goal Setting and Time Management for the Writer. Due to popular demand, this is the fourth year I've taught this class, and there's always something new to learn and share. I hope you'll join us!

What do you want to accomplish this year?


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