I Need You to Help Me Create a Fun Blood Drive

March 25, 2013

She got to spend her last day outside enjoying the amazing spring weather and eating anything she wanted.
She got to spend her last day outside enjoying the amazing spring weather and eating anything she wanted.

A year ago tomorrow, my mom went into the hospital and didn't come out. During that time, the most amazing doctors and nurses tried everything they could think of to help my mom's body to heal. In the end, they used 22 pints of blood trying to help save her.

Every single one of those people has my love and respect and gratitude. But the unsung heroes are those every day people who give up an hour of their day and let someone stick a needle in their arm. I'd like to thank them for donating so that doctors have so many more chances to save a life.

I'm going to start a blood drive to replace those 22 units so that more people have a shot at helping their bodies overcome sickness and trauma. On Friday, I am giving the first pint. 🙂

Mom hid a piece of candy when the nurse came in. We were all laughing so loud.
Mom hid a piece of candy when the nurse came in. We were all laughing so loud.

I need two things from you. One – we need a fun name. Even while Mom was in the hospital, not knowing if she would live or die, she was making me laugh. At one point, we were laughing so hard in the dialysis room that Mom leaned over and whispered, “I wonder if we're gonna get kicked out!”

So we need a cool name. Her name is Glenda, so some alliteration would be fun. John says Mom is goofy – well, there's some alliteration for you! Goofy Glenda's Blood Drive? Glenda's Goofy Blood Drive?

Mom blowing bubbles in her chocolate Ensure.
Mom blowing bubbles in her chocolate Ensure. And she used to tell us not to!

Or we could find something that rhymes with Glenda – “send a…” “spend a…” tend, bend, trend, fend, etc. Okay, so we'll think of a name.

Then I need you to help me give back these 22 units of blood. Will you give one? Or you could sign up for a Double Red, I think it's called. It's a way that they get twice as much red blood cells from you using a machine that rehydrates your body so you don't feel woozy. That would count for two units if anyone does that.

Or if you're like John, you're really, really not a fan of needles. Will you ask a friend to donate for our blood drive? Will you drive a friend there and back? Treat them to lunch? I think we can really have fun with this – like Mom was able to find fun even when she was in the hospital.

Mom visiting me in Randwick, Australia. We had such fun!
Mom visiting me in Randwick, Australia. We had such fun!

Oh, and let's post pictures if you like! Everyone who participates can send us a picture of them eating cookies with their colorful arm bandage on. I'll see if I can get a digital badge you can put on your Facebook page or your blog. We'll make it into an event!

What do you think? Will you leave a comment in the comments section please?

Thanks, my friends! I love you! 🙂

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